SNAPS Yorkshire

Ben & Paul's Ride Across Britain 2024

Ben & Paul's Ride Across Britain

Ben & Paul's Ride Across Britain

My Story

In September of 2024, my dear friend Paul and I will set out on an extraordinary adventure. We'll be riding the length of Britain, from Land's End to John O'Groats, covering over 1,000 miles and over 55,000 feet of climbing. But this journey is about more than just miles travelled and hills conqured; it's about the miles we're willing to go to make a difference.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Ride Across Britain

Life often takes us on unexpected journeys, and sometimes those journeys lead us to places of profound purpose and meaning. For me, that purpose is embodied in a remarkable charity called SNAPS (Special Needs and Parent Support). I'm reaching out to you today with a heart full of hope and determination as we embark on a journey that means the world to me and my family.

Our goal is to raise £15,000 for SNAPS, and I want to share with you why this mission is so deeply personal and why your support means everything to me.

My journey into the world of SNAPS began when my first born son was born 10 weeks premature and diagnosed with cerebral palsy. It was a moment that shook our world, filled with uncertainty and fear for the future. But it was also a moment that would introduce us to the incredible SNAPS community, a beacon of light in our time of need.

SNAPS stands as a pillar of strength, compassion, and unwavering support for children with special needs and their families. They provide invaluable services, from physiotherapy sessions and educational resources to a network of parents who understand the unique challenges we face.

Through the dedication of SNAPS, my son has made remarkable strides in his journey towards a brighter, more inclusive future. Their tireless commitment to helping children like him live their best lives has transformed our family's outlook and given us hope where we once saw only obstacles.

So, as Paul and I prepare to pedal through the heart of Britain, I carry with me the stories of countless children like my son who rely on SNAPS. I am fuelled by the knowledge that every penny we raise will directly impact their lives, ensuring that they continue to receive the vital support they need. 

£15,000 will ensure SNAPS have the resources they need to continue to help children for a month. 

This journey is about celebrating the resilience of our children, the unwavering strength of families, and the boundless compassion of our communities. It's about coming together to make a profound difference in the lives of those who need it most.

I humbly ask for your support in this endeavor. Whether it's a small donation, spreading the word about our cause, or simply sending us your well wishes, every bit counts and brings us closer to our £15,000 target.

Together, we can be the wind beneath the wings of children with special needs, propelling them to reach heights they may never have imagined. Join us on this epic ride for hope, inclusion, and the incredible SNAPS community.

If my own words don't sway you hopefully the below video will. It will show just how important SNAPS is to people. Including my own son Phoenix:

SNAPS from HelpFilm on Vimeo.

You can also listen to my son's story when he appeared on Radio 2 for Children in Need - Follow the link below: 

Thank you for being a part of this journey and for helping us make a lasting impact in the lives of these remarkable children and their families. Together, we can turn miles into smiles, one pedal stroke at a time.

Ben & Paul



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

In September of 2024, my dear friend Paul and I will set out on an extraordinary adventure. We'll be riding the length of Britain, from Land's End to John O'Groats, covering over 1,000 miles and over 55,000 feet of climbing. But this journey is about more than just miles travelled and hills conqured; it's about the miles we're willing to go to make a difference.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Ride Across Britain

Life often takes us on unexpected journeys, and sometimes those journeys lead us to places of profound purpose and meaning. For me, that purpose is embodied in a remarkable charity called SNAPS (Special Needs and Parent Support). I'm reaching out to you today with a heart full of hope and determination as we embark on a journey that means the world to me and my family.

Our goal is to raise £15,000 for SNAPS, and I want to share with you why this mission is so deeply personal and why your support means everything to me.

My journey into the world of SNAPS began when my first born son was born 10 weeks premature and diagnosed with cerebral palsy. It was a moment that shook our world, filled with uncertainty and fear for the future. But it was also a moment that would introduce us to the incredible SNAPS community, a beacon of light in our time of need.

SNAPS stands as a pillar of strength, compassion, and unwavering support for children with special needs and their families. They provide invaluable services, from physiotherapy sessions and educational resources to a network of parents who understand the unique challenges we face.

Through the dedication of SNAPS, my son has made remarkable strides in his journey towards a brighter, more inclusive future. Their tireless commitment to helping children like him live their best lives has transformed our family's outlook and given us hope where we once saw only obstacles.

So, as Paul and I prepare to pedal through the heart of Britain, I carry with me the stories of countless children like my son who rely on SNAPS. I am fuelled by the knowledge that every penny we raise will directly impact their lives, ensuring that they continue to receive the vital support they need. 

£15,000 will ensure SNAPS have the resources they need to continue to help children for a month. 

This journey is about celebrating the resilience of our children, the unwavering strength of families, and the boundless compassion of our communities. It's about coming together to make a profound difference in the lives of those who need it most.

I humbly ask for your support in this endeavor. Whether it's a small donation, spreading the word about our cause, or simply sending us your well wishes, every bit counts and brings us closer to our £15,000 target.

Together, we can be the wind beneath the wings of children with special needs, propelling them to reach heights they may never have imagined. Join us on this epic ride for hope, inclusion, and the incredible SNAPS community.

If my own words don't sway you hopefully the below video will. It will show just how important SNAPS is to people. Including my own son Phoenix:

SNAPS from HelpFilm on Vimeo.

You can also listen to my son's story when he appeared on Radio 2 for Children in Need - Follow the link below: 

Thank you for being a part of this journey and for helping us make a lasting impact in the lives of these remarkable children and their families. Together, we can turn miles into smiles, one pedal stroke at a time.

Ben & Paul